Industrial Revolution

Main Idea: The factory system changed the way people lived and worked, introducing a variety of problems. Industrialization transforms British society: cities grow, work patterns change, and a middle class emerges. The city of Manchester becomes a notable example of the benefits and drawbacks of the new industrial age.


II.    Manchester: A Case Study

A.   Background: Changes—economic growth & urbanization

1.    Economic Growth: better quality of life

a       Wealth for some—hardship for others

2.    Urbanization: growth of cities

a       London: largest in Europe; industrial leader

b      Manchester: textile industry

3.    Living Conditions

a       Problems

i                      No urban planning

ii                   no sanitary codes

iii                 no building codes

iv                 inadequate housing, education, and police protection

v                   unpaved streets & no sewage system

vi                 families lived in one room shelters

vii              poor health: regular cholera epidemics

4.    Working Conditions

a       14 hour workday

b      6 days a week

c       dangers: poor lighting & unclean; injuries & accidents; unique conditions added risks (coal mines)

d      no compensation

5.    Class Tensions: escalate

a       Middle class emerges—factory owners, shippers, & merchants—social class of skilled workers, professionals, businesspeople, and wealthy farmers

b      Middle Class grows—upper (professionals) and lower (toolmakers, mechanical drafters, printers)

c       Luddites: attacked the machines that replaced people; destroyed whole factories & labor-saving machinery; riots

6.    Effects of Industrialization

a       Created jobs

b      Contributed to national wealth

c       Fostered technological progress & invention

d      Increased production of goods

e       Raised standard of living

f         Other benefits: healthier diets; better housing; cheaper, mass-produced clothing; expanded education opportunities

g      Prosperity of middle class & upper classes; gradual improvements for workers

h      Long-term: affordability of goods; improved living & working conditions; overuse of natural resources; abuse of environment

B.   Manchester

1.    Unique advantages: water power & labor

2.    Example of Best & Worst of I. R.

3.    Child Labor: Factory Act of 1819—restricted working ages & hours