Industrial Revolution

Main Idea: The industrialization that began in Great Britain spread to other parts of the world. Industrial technologies travel from Britain to America, causing an industrial boom in the US. Industrialization also spreads to continental Europe and contributes to the rise of imperialism.


III.       Industrialization Spreads

A.   United States

1.    Conditions favorable to growth of industry

2.    British machinery spawns an American textile industry: not intention

3.    Rapid expansion in the late 1800s: technological boom

a      Wealth of natural resources—oil, coal, iron

b      Burst of inventions—electric light bulb, telephone

c       Large urban population

d      railroads

4.    Corporations: business owned by stockholders who share in its profits but are not personally responsible for its debts—Standard Oil, Carnegie Steel Company

B.   Continental Europe

1.    Delay: war and unrest—French Revolution & Napoleonic Wars

a      trade & communication interrupted; inflation

2.    Belgium: 1st

3.    Germany: imported British equipment & engineers; sent children to England to learn industrial management

a      Economic strength—became an industrial & military power

4.    Expansion: spread region to region

C.   Impact

1.    Global inequality: gaps widen between more-developed and less-developed nations

2.    Industrialized countries exploit overseas colonies for resources and markets

3.    Standards of living rise in industrial nations