
Main Idea: Political, economic, and social inequalities in Mexico triggered a period of revolution and reform.


I)    Mexican Revolution

A.   Santa Anna &

1.   1833-1855: Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna dominates Mexican political life

a       Texas Revolt: Alamo (won); Battle of San Jacinto (lost—captured—released—power lost)

2.   Mexican War: US vs. Santa Anna (regained power) over Texas-Mexico border

a       US gains vast Western territories from Mexico (Southwest)

B.   Benito Juárez

1.   Liberal reformer; led reform movement— La Reforma

a       Redistribution of land, separation of church and state, increased educational opportunities

2.   Mexico undergoes civil war and invasion fro France

a       After French withdraw, many reforms

3.   1872—dies

C.   Porfirio Diaz &

1.   Ousts the president; rules until 1911 (30 yrs.); elections were meaningless

a       Supporters: land, power, political favors

b      Opposition: terrorized

2.   “Order and Progress”

a       Stabilizes country’s economy // most still live in poverty

D.  Revolution & Civil War

1.   1910: Mexicans want reform

2.   Francisco Madero leads revolution from exile; believed in democracy

3.   Supported revolution with armies

a       Francisco “Pancho” Villa: Robin Hood policy

b      Emiliano Zapata: protect the peasant/small farmers rights

4.   Diaz steps down, elections called

a       Madero president—resigns & murdered

b      General Victoriano Huerta overthrown by Venustiano Carranza

5.   1917: Progressive Mexican constitution adopted; 1920—in effect

a       Carranza did not support final draft; overthrown by Alvaro Obregón