Restructuring the Postwar World

Main Idea: The conflicting aims between the United States and the Soviet Union led to global competition.


I.     Two Superpowers Face Off

A.    Former Allies Diverge

1.    Yalta Conference: Britain, Soviet Union, & US

a.   Goals: promote world peace; provide emergency relief; help form interim governments based on the will of the people

b.   Result: partition Germany after the war;

2.    United Nations: June-1945, 50 countries, peacekeeping organization

a.    Security Council: 11-member with 5 permanent (Britain, China, France, US, & Russia

3.    Goals in Europe: conflicting

a.   US: rich & powerful—encourage democracy; gain access to raw materials & markets; rebuild European governments; reunite Germany

b.   USSR: war torn—encourage communism; rebuild its war-ravaged economy using Eastern Europe’s industrial equipment & raw materials; control Eastern Europe to protect borders; keep Germany split

B.    Soviet Union Creates Iron Curtain

1.    Satellite Nations: communist governments—Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Poland, & Yugoslavia

2.    Germany: remains split

3.    Winston Churchill calls the division an “iron curtain”

C.    US Counters

1.    Containment of communism

2.    Truman Doctrine: support nations that resist communism

3.    Marshall Plan: Secretary of State, 1947—provide food, machines, & other materials to rebuild Europe

4.    Berlin Airlift: Berlin had also been divided into four zones, Soviets held Berlin hostage

a.   11-months—US & British planes dropped off supplies

b.   Blockade lifted by Soviets, May 1949

D.   Cold War

1.    Alliances formed: US—North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO; Soviets—Warsaw Pact

2.    Both acquire thermonuclear weapons

a.   Brinkmanship: willingness to go to the brink—the edge—of war

3.    Sky war: science & education programs affected;

a.   1957—Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), Soviets; used to launch Sputnik I unmanned satellite

b.   Open Skies Policy—Eisenhower, CIA authorized spy flights

                                           i.            U-2 incident—Gary Francis Powers (pilot)=mistrust & tensions