Unit Five

Ms. Lotito

Yucca Valley High School 7600 Sage Ave. Yucca Valley, CA 92284 760.365.3391



Course Information


World History Assignments

Accelerated World History

Test Review Guides


Unit Five: Perspectives on the Present

The following assignments complement your reading selections from Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction.

Unit Five
Topic Preview Unit Test Review Guide: Chp. 17
Unit Test Review Guide: Chp. 18
Unit Test Review Guide: Chp. 19
Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen
Terms Terms
Identifications Identifications
Notes Section Notes Section
Notes: Two Superpowers Face Off Notes: India
Notes: Communists in China Notes: Southeast Asia
Notes: War in Korea & Vietnam Notes: Africa
Notes: Global Cold War Notes: Middle East
Notes: Cold War Thaws
Chapter Nineteen
Notes Section
Notes: CS Latin America
Notes: Africa
Notes: Soviet Union
Notes: China


Chapter Seventeen: Restructuring the Postwar Years

Title Page

Title: Restructuring the Postwar Years  

CAS: Analyze the international developments in the postwar world.

Topic Preview: 

Restructuring the Postwar World

With much of Europe and parts of Asia in ruins after World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union emerged as rival superpowers. Their political and military confrontations dominated world affairs for the next 40 years.


The following terms have been extracted from your textbook reading assignments. Using your textbook, identify each of the following terms in your notebook. 

  1. iron curtain

  2. containment

  3. brinkmanship

  4. commune

  5. domino theory

  6. Vietnamization

  7. nonaligned nations

  8. desalinization

  9. détente


The following identifications have been extracted from your textbook reading assignments. Using your textbook, identify each of the following people, places, and other items in your notebook. 

  1. United Nations
  2. Mao Zedong
  3. Jiang Jieshi
  4. Cultural Revolution
  5. Douglas MacArthur
  6. Ho Chi Minh
  7. Ngo Dinh Diem
  8. Vietcong
  9. Khmer Rouge
  10. Fidel Castro
  11. Daniel Ortega
  12. Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
  13. Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini
  14. Nikita Khrushchev
  15. Leonid Brezhnev

The following notes cover material for this unit. 
Notes: Two Superpowers Face Off
Notes: Communists in China
Notes: War in Korea & Vietnam
Notes: Global Cold War
Notes: Cold War Thaws

Chapter Eighteen: New Nations


The following terms have been extracted from your textbook reading assignments. Using your textbook, identify each of the following terms in your notebook. 

  1. partition


The following identifications have been extracted from your textbook reading assignments. Using your textbook, identify each of the following people, places, and other items in your notebook. 

  1. Jawaharlal Nehru
  2. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
  3. Indira Gandhi
  4. Rajiv Gandhi
  5. Ferdinand Marcos
  6. Corazón Aquino
  7. Aung San Suu Kyi
  8. Negritude movement
  9. Kwame Nkrumah
  10. Mobutu Sese Seko
  11. FLN
  12. Balfour Declaration
  13. Anwar Sadat
  14. Menachem Begin
  15. Yitzhak Rabin
  16. Yasir Arafat
  17. PLO
  18. Golda Meir
  19. Hosni Mubarak
  20. Bejamin Netanyahu

The following notes cover material for this unit. 
Notes: India
Notes: Southeast Asia
Notes: Africa
Notes: Middle East

Chapter Nineteen: Struggles for Democracy


The following terms have been extracted from your textbook reading assignments. Using your textbook, identify each of the following terms in your notebook. 

  1. standard of living

  2. recession

  3. martial law

  4. dissident

  5. apartheid

  6. glasnost

  7. perestroika

  8. reunification

  9. "shock therapy"

  10. ethnic cleansing


The following identifications have been extracted from your textbook reading assignments. Using your textbook, identify each of the following people, places, and other items in your notebook. 

  1. PRI
  2. Nelson Mandela
  3. FW de Klerk
  4. Mikhail Gorbachev
  5. Lech Walesa
  6. Boris Yeltsin
  7. CIS
  8. Zhou Enlai
  9. Deng Xiaoping
  10. Four Modernizations
  11. Tiananmen Square

The following notes cover material for this unit. 
Notes: CS Latin America
Notes: Africa
Notes: Soviet Union
Notes: China