Unit Four

Ms. Lotito

Yucca Valley High School 7600 Sage Ave. Yucca Valley, CA 92284 760.365.3391



Course Information


World History Assignments

Accelerated World History

Test Review Guides


Unit Four: World at War

The following assignments complement your reading selections from Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction.

Unit Four
Please note: World History A covers material through World War I (chapter 13); World History B begins with the Russian Revolution (chapter 14).
Topic Preview Unit Test Review Guide: Chp. 13
Unit Test Review Guide: Chps. 14-16
Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen
Terms Terms
Identifications Identifications
Notes Section Notes Section
Notes: Causes of the War Notes: Russia
Notes: War Breaks Out Notes: China
Notes: Outcomes of the War Notes: India & Southwest Asia
Visual Summary: Causes of WWI
Trench Warfare
from All Quiet on the Western Front
Mind Notes: WWI Leaders
Treaty of Versailles
Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen
Terms Terms
Identifications Identifications
Notes Section Notes Section
Notes: Uncertainty Notes: Hitler's Lightening War
Notes: Global Depression Notes: Japan & the Pacific
Notes: Fascism Notes: The Holocaust
Notes: Aggression Notes: Allies Victorious
Notes: The Aftermath


Chapter Thirteen: The Great War


The following terms have been extracted from your textbook reading assignments. Using your textbook, identify each of the following terms in your notebook. 

  1. militarism

  2. trench warfare

  3. unrestricted submarine warfare

  4. total war

  5. rationing

  6. propaganda

  7. armistice

  8. self-determination


The following identifications have been extracted from your textbook reading assignments. Using your textbook, identify each of the following people, places, and other items in your notebook. 

  1. Kaiser Wilhelm II
  2. Armenian Massacre
  3. Triple Alliance
  4. Triple Entente
  5. Schlieffen Plan
  6. Central Powers
  7. Allies
  8. Western Front
  9. Eastern Front
  10. Fourteen Points
  11. Treaty of Versailles
  12. League of Nations
  13. Woodrow Wilson
  14. Georges Clemenceau
  15. David Lloyd George

Visual Summary
Causes of World War I

Task: Students will create a visual summary for each of the causes of the war including detailed descriptions.

Materials Needed: Research

Directions: Identify the causes of World War I in the format of a bubble cluster/graphic organizer. For each cause identified, provide a detailed description and a colorful visual.


Understanding Trench Warfare

Task: Students will learn what soldiers did in the trenches, both when they were fighting and when they were not, and create a scrapbook display.

Purpose: To understand the mix of boredom and terror that made up life in the trenches.

Materials Needed: Research sources, pictures

Directions: Find a variety of sources that describe daily life in the trenches: diaries and letters written by soldiers in the war; photographs of trenches, and narrative descriptions. For the scrapbook display, you will include some of the following:


Hand-drawn design/picture of a trench


Short quotes from primary sources describing the weather, rats, bombardment, loneliness,...


Clear graphic examples


Detailed written descriptions


Evidence of research


Connections to Literature
from All Quiet on the Western Front

Task: Students will learn more about the horrors of war, specifically trench warfare.

Materials Needed: Novel

Directions: Read the novel or excerpt. Complete the following activities.


  1. Make a chart to note sensory details--ones that appeal to the five senses--that bring Bäumer's experiences alive.

  2. Pretend that you are Paul Bäumer. Write a letter home to your family, describing your war experiences and your state of mind. 

Visual Summary
Mind Notes

Task: Students will research the significant world leaders during World War I.

Materials Needed: Research on each the leaders; picture of the historical figure.

Directions: For each historical world leader during World War I, research information about his role and position during the war. affix the picture of the leader in the notebook, then write a summary of the historical leaders position, views, etc. as if the individual was thinking about those ideas (bubble starburst).

History from Visuals
Treaty of Versailles

Task: Students will examine a chart to make interpretations regarding the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles.

Materials Needed: None

Directions: Recreate the chart in your notebook. Notice how the provisions are grouped then answer the following questions.

  1. Which column shows provisions limiting Germany as a colonial power?

  2. Which column shows provisions limiting the military power of Germany?

  3. In what ways did the treaty punish Germany?

  4. What two provinces were returned to France as a result of the treaty?

  5. Imagine how ordinary Germans might have felt about the treaty. Write a paragraph describing their thoughts and feelings.


The following notes cover material for this unit. 
Notes: Causes of the War
Notes: War Breaks Out

Chapter Fourteen: Revolution & Nationalism


The following terms have been extracted from your textbook reading assignments. Using your textbook, identify each of the following terms in your notebook. 

  1. pogrom

  2. provisional government

  3. soviet

  4. socialism

  5. totalitarianism

  6. command economy

  7. collective farms

  8. kulak

  9. socialist realism

  10. civil disobedience


The following identifications have been extracted from your textbook reading assignments. Using your textbook, identify each of the following people, places, and other items in your notebook. 

  1. Bolsheviks
  2. V. I. Lenin
  3. Rasputin
  4. Joseph Stalin
  5. Great Purge
  6. Kuomintang
  7. Sun Yixian
  8. Mao Zedong
  9. May Fourth Movement
  10. Mohandas Gandhi
  11. George Orwell

The following notes cover material for this unit. 
Notes: Russia
Notes: China
Notes: India & Southwest Asia

Chapter Fifteen: Years in Crisis


The following terms have been extracted from your textbook reading assignments. Using your textbook, identify each of the following terms in your notebook. 

  1. theory of relativity

  2. existentialism

  3. surrealism

  4. jazz

  5. coalition government

  6. fascism

  7. Nazism

  8. lebensraum 

  9. appeasement

  10. isolationism


The following identifications have been extracted from your textbook reading assignments. Using your textbook, identify each of the following people, places, and other items in your notebook. 

  1. Albert Einstein
  2. Sigmund Freud
  3. Friedrich Nietzsche
  4. Charles Lindbergh
  5. Weimar Republic
  6. Great Depression
  7. Franklin D. Roosevelt
  8. New Deal
  9. Benito Mussolini
  10. Adolf Hitler
  11. Mein Kampf
  12. Axis Powers
  13. Francisco Franco
  14. Third Reich
  15. Munich Conference

The following notes cover material for this unit. 

Chapter Sixteen: World War II


The following terms have been extracted from your textbook reading assignments. Using your textbook, identify each of the following terms in your notebook. 

  1. nonaggression pact

  2. blitzkrieg

  3. phony war

  4. Aryans

  5. Kristallnacht

  6. ghettos

  7. genocide

  8. Holocaust

  9. Final Solution

  10. kamikaze

  11. demilitarization


The following identifications have been extracted from your textbook reading assignments. Using your textbook, identify each of the following people, places, and other items in your notebook. 

  1. Charles de Gaulle
  2. Winston Churchill
  3. Battle of Britain
  4. Atlantic Charter
  5. Isoroku Yamamoto
  6. Pearl Harbor
  7. Battle of Midway
  8. Douglas MacArthur
  9. Battle of Guadalcanal
  10. Erwin Rommel
  11. Bernard Montgomery
  12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
  13. Battle of Stalingrad
  14. D-Day
  15. Battle of the Bulge
  16. Nuremberg Trials

The following notes cover material for this unit.