Revolutions in the Arts

Main Idea: Artistic and intellectual movements bother reflected and fueled changes in Europe during the 1800s.


I.                   The Arts

A.    Romantic Movement: Art & Literature

1.     Key elements

a.      Emphasized inner feelings, emotions, imagination

b.     Focused on the mysterious and the supernatural; also, on the odd, exotic, and grotesque or horrifying

c.      Loved the beauties of untamed nature

d.     Idealized the past as a simpler and nobler time

e.      Glorified heroes and heroic actions

f.       Cherished fold traditions, music, and stories

g.     Valued the common people and the individual

h.     Promoted radical changed and democracy

2.     Writers

a.      Mary Shelley: Frankenstein; horror

b.     William Wordsworth; honored nature

c.      Samuel Taylor Coleridge: “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”; horror & supernatural

d.     Bryon, Shelley, Keats; celebration of heroes

e.      Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; emotions

f.       Victor Hugo: Les Misérables; history & the individual

3.     Composers

a.      Beethoven; Robert Schumann; Frederic Chopin; Franz Liszt

B.     Realism: Art & Photography & Literature

1.     Why? —Industrialism & interest in scientific method=realistic approach to art and literature

a.      Portray people as they really are

2.     Photography

a.      First invented by Daguerre

b.     Art of the new Industrial Age

3.     Writers: French & English

a.      Expose the misery of the working poor

b.     Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist

c.      Honoré de Balzac: The Human Comedy

d.     Emile Zola

C.     Impressionism: Art

1.     Why? —Capture the immediate “impression” of a brief moment

a.      Bright colors and loose brushwork

2.     Claude Monet: Poppies at Argenteuil
