Main Idea: After the
death of Suleiman I, European nations divide the Ottoman Empire. A combined
British-French-Ottoman force defeats Russians in the Crimean War, and the
British seize the Suez Canal.
III. Ottoman Empire Loses Power
A. Background
1. Peak: Hungary-Greece-around Black
a succession of weak sultans
b corruption and theft
c devalue of coinage
d unemployed ex-soldiers and students
3. Selim III: 1789, reforms give rise to
nationalist feelings
a Overthrown, reforms abandoned
4. European powers use opportunity
B. Europeans Grab Territory
1. Geopolitics: interest in or taking of
land for its strategic location or products
a Ottomans controlled access to
Mediterranean & Atlantic sea trade
2. Crimean War: 1853, Russia vs. Ottomans,
French & British
a Russia wanted land on the Black
b Florence Nightingale-established women
as army nurses
c Proved Ottoman's military
weakness--lost lands
3. Egypt: Muhammad Ali, 1841, reforms in
military and economy; switch to cash crops
a Isma'il: Suez Canal, 1869, French money
& Egyptian labor
b European debts: British gain financial
control of Canal, 1882
4. Persia: attempts modernization, Russia
& Britain take control
a Russia-access to Persian Gulf &
Indian Ocean
b Britain-use Afghanistan as buffer
between India & Russia
c 1908: oil discovered; Persian leaders
granted business concessions to raise money & gain economic prestige
1. European imperialist use economic
imperialism & spheres of influence to gain control